1-6: PELAGIC DOMAIN: the water mass of the water column. Populated by pelagic organisms (plantonic, neustonic and neustonic).
1. Neritic region: close to the coast, up to the limit of the continental shelf. 2. Oceanic region: far from the coast, high seas. 3. Epipelagic Zone: up to the limit of the continental shelf (about 200 m deep). The only illuminated zone, and therefore where phytoplankton develop. 4. Bathyal Zone: from 200 to 3,000 m. 4a. Mesopelagic Zone: from 200 to 1,000 m; very rich in zooplankton. Where the permanent thermocline is located (marked and gradual decrease in water temperature). 4b. Bathypelagic Zone: from 1,000 to 3,000 m. Abyssopelagic or Abyssal Zone: from 3,000 to 6,000 m. 6. Hadalopelagic or Hadal Zone: over 6,000 m; these are the great oceanic trenches.
A-D: BENTONIC DOMAIN: the seabed substrate (rocky, stony, sandy, muddy). Populated by benthic organisms.
A. Sublittoral zone or inner continental shelf (0-90 m, the only one illuminated and therefore wit