Public domain music from Q: What restrictions are there for the music downloaded from this site, can I edit it? Share it? Use it for a film project? A: The music on this site is given a public domain license, therefore, there are technically no restrictions on what you do with it. We do ask, out of courtesy, two things. One, that you do not directly sell our recordings for profit, as a great amount of work has been donated to this project, and for the benefit of the public, not profit. Two, we ask that any commerical or derived works attribute Musopen somewhere, to give credit to this project. And for all the film students emailing, yes you may use it in your film, you can then sell the film, containing our music. It's in the public domain afterall. -- Musopen has requested in-line attribution in any article this file is used in.
作者: (See Musopen for author information)