Loops created in ableton live9 some with push with various instruments and effects, this pack is work in progress, i would like to add loops and sounds over time, please check back here and then.
Here's another loop created with my experimental one string dulcimer using an old casstte player head as a pickup. This one's a long ambient loop that can be used as a backing track or chopped up. The sound was created using numerous vst effects in reaper. If you download this and use it in a track please send me a link to the track. It's always great to hear what other people create too :0).
Bass slap with wah effect. This happen when you try to slow down the track. The mix has been created with the free software "audacity" and recorded with a simple microphone.
This tone is 485hz, slightly below the note b3 (493. 8hz). It's roughly the same frequency of the b tibetan bell in this package. End and start are well glued into a continuous wave (tested in unity 3d). Made with audacity.
A seamless loop of gentle air flowing such as what you might hear to give away a secret passageway or outside a window. Literally made by blowing into my microphone like an idiot. Enjoy lol. No need to give credit, but i would like to hear about it if you end up using it. :).
Morphagene reel made with ni reaktor the void a drones & textures - rhythm stepper. The cue markers were made with a python script from https://gist. Github. Com/ferrihydrite/d7602f94c0aa940ba63f4fae809a2385.
I took the groovy part from zagi2's sound fata morgana (mirage) 3. Wavhttps://www. Freesound. Org/people/zagi2/sounds/369208/it's 2 bars. Cut it up in 8 parts. Call them 1 to 8. I let excel randomize function give me 16 numbers between 1 and 8. Then i merge my parts in that order. Result an 8 bar loop. Done in audacity. Did not have to use number 1.
Remix of 386449__gis-sweden__find-your-loop-in-the-land-of-random. 1 bar mono loop extracted and trimmed to 117 bpm. Loop it, add a 4/4 kick and bassline and your track is done :). Thanks to gis-sweden for keeping it zero.