The national anthem of China, from The State Council of the People's Republic of China and uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons by User:Bilale Boyce. 中文(简体):中华人民共和国国歌《义勇军进行曲》 中文(繁體):中華人民共和國國歌《義勇軍進行曲》
The national anthem of China, the "March of the Volunteers", performed by the United States Navy Band and uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons by Keith Lehwald. Italiano: L'inno nazionale della Repubblica popolare cinese: la "Marcia dei Volontari", suonata dalla banda della marina statunitense. 中文(简体):中华人民共和国国歌《义勇军进行曲》,美国海军乐团演奏 中文(繁體):中華人民共和國國歌《義勇軍進行曲》,美國海軍樂團演奏
Street organ playing the Waltz of the Blue Bride in the Historic Center of Mexico City. (Live recorded.).origin:Les Patineurs, valse The Skaters' Waltz Der Schlittschuhläufer-Walzer 日本語: ワルツ『スケートをする人々』 (composer:Émile Waldteufel op.183)
V of V in C, four-part harmony. Bruce Benward and Marilyn Nadine Saker (2003). Music: In Theory and Practice, Vol. I, seventh edition: p.269. ISBN 978-0-07-294262-0.
Polite alternative to tooting horn at traffic light when someone is stopped ahead of you. I would like to have someone change this to a man's voice with an english accent, a woman's voice, or a child's voice.
Small town, weekday, approx. 23:00no tv, quality recorded musicabout 10 visitors, everyone knows each other, no one is sitting - everyone is standing around the bar. Dr-05.
Polite alternative to tooting horn at traffic light when someone is stopped ahead of you. I would like to have someone change this to a man's voice with an english accent, a woman's voice, or a child's voice.
Lol i know i have a lot of these. . . I narrate audiobooks and stuff that i've written, and i figure, ya know, since i got them, why not keep them for cartoons or something? no two belches are exactly the same!.
Lol i know i have a lot of these. . . I narrate audiobooks and stuff that i've written, and i figure, ya know, since i got them, why not keep them for cartoons or something? no two belches are exactly the same!.