This is a percussion beats made at tempo 124. It spans 8 bars and is ready to be looped in your daw. This is a sound i've found in my old foxdot projects, it has a really cool "ocean" or "wave" noise-like sound that repeats at the right then left of stereo, in the end of each 4-bar segement. It layers multiple kicks and snares, with one of the sounds being stretched, that produce this "wave" sound. It can be evaluated in foxdot with the following code to replicate this result. D1 >> play(p[" [--]o h: -"]. Layer("mirror"),dur=pdur(5,8), rate=expvar([0. 09,2],8),sample=2, pan=sinvar([-1,1],16),amplify=0. 5).
Autor: Mbpl