I have inserted words within the capitals of this digital font. Words which are only readable by us, humans, and not by the computers which use the font. The words relate to the human rights and freedoms as they are formulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. See http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html for more information.Human rights are inalienable from every human being. Through this font the Universal Declaration of Human Rights become symbiotically merged within every text. If you use this font your text will include a mini version of the human rights, although the reader might not be aware of it if you use it in normal size (for example 12 points). Only if you use it in large sizes (for example 48 points) the words become readable. I felt compelled to create this font because the precarious state of the human rights in the world. My government and your government are very unlikely to improve these rights as they were declared almost 70 years ago. It is down to us to make this happen: use, disperse and promote your human rights with every sentence you write.vvvr 2016