Capsule Box 3D-malli

It is recommended to print this with exterior support and ~15% infill The capsule is made out of 2 identical parts, so print "cover1.stl" twice. In order to assemble the hinge mechanism insert a 3 [mm] pin into the holes in both parts. You might Want to bend the ends of the pin in order to secure it in place (see pictures of reference). If you don't have access to a 3 [mm] metal rod, a large paperclip should be adequate. Light sanding and maybe some drilling may be required in order to fin the parts together. For any additional help comment below :D
MyMiniFactory License. You can use this 3D model for your own commercial purposes. Please credit the designer when sharing this model.
76 Lataukset
80mm x 80mm x 58mm
3D Print Ready